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TV Database

Search for a movie, an actor, a director, a theme, etc... broadcasted somewhere during the period.

Before launching a request, take a look at the TV Theme page since the most frequent requests are already there

Simple Search in all database

Search for the word :

You can enter multiple words separated by commas(,): Bruce, Madonna, Series. The comma in a query expression is treated like a logical OR. If you omit the commas, the query expression is treated as a phrase, so that documents would be searched for the phrase "Bruce Madonna Series."

You can use the AND, OR, and NOT operators in a Simple query without using angle brackets: Bruce AND (Madonna OR Series). To include an operator in a search, you surround it with double quotation marks: Bruce "and" Madonna. This expressions searches the phrase "Bruce and Madonna."

You can also use * as fil* to have as results: film, filles, etc..

Advanced Search (Tips)
Search in channels broadcasting in

Available in

where type is

All types

and where program titles contains

and where program summaries contains

and where date is greater or equal than
(e.g. 25/01/96 or 25/01/96 18:35 )

Get me rows (max 99).

  • For optimal search, use any keywords you'd like but keep it short.
  • Don't use the double quotes to enclose your keywords. All keywords entered in one field will be treated as continous words. If needed, use the space bar to insert blank characters.
  • Do not use HTML Tags (the DB does not contain tags).
  • The DataBase is language sensitive. For french and German channels, use the é, è, ö,ä,... (é is different from e)
  • If used, Date (and time) must be in the following format : 25/01/96 or 25/01/96 18:35

  • www.eurotv.com - © 1995 .2002 Septimus
    Last update October 19, 2002
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